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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page describes how to write Simple English articles. Simple English Wikipedia articles are written for everyone. This includes children and adults who are learning English. Articles should be written about notable encyclopedic subjects.


Think about your readers 読者の視点で[change | change source]

First, think about your readers. Many readers of Simple English are people whose first language is not English. Other readers may be young (they may be children who don't have much knowledge of English) or have learning difficulties. The language is simple, but the ideas don't have to be. If you find anything wrong, please correct it.

まず、読者について考えます。Simple English の読者の多くは、母国語が英語ではない人々です。他の読者は若いかもしれません(彼らは英語の知識があまりない子供かもしれません)。あるいは学習で困難を抱えているかもしれません。この言語は単純ですが、その内容はそうであるとは限りません。 何か間違いがあったらどうぞ訂正してください。

Basic English and VOA Special English ベーシック英語とVOA Special English[change | change source]

Simple English Wikipedia follows some of the rules of Basic English, but is not so strict about using only a certain number of words. Every day, Simple English changes, and does not have only one word list. A good starting point to writing in Simple English is to learn to write using Basic English words. This helps you to write with a limited vocabulary.

Simple English Wikipediaは、Basic English のいくつかのルールに従いますが、特定の数の単語のみを使用することについてはそれほど厳密ではありません。 日々、Simple English は移り変わっているので、単語リストはそんまま固定されているわけではありません。Simple English で書くための良い出発点は、基本的な英語の単語を使用した書き方を学ぶことです。これは、限られた語彙で書くのに役立ちます。

Start with Basic English (BE) 850. Let us say that your readers know the BE 850 words. If your writing sounds strange, or is not clear, use a less common word. The less common word may be in BE 1500 or Voice Of America (VOA) Special English.

基本的な英単語(BE)850 から始めましょう。読者が BE 850 の単語を知っているとしましょう。文章が奇妙に思える場合や不明瞭な場合は、あまり一般的ではない単語を使用します。そうしたあまり一般的でない単語は、BE 1500 またはボイス・オブ・アメリカ(VOA)の Special English の語彙である可能性があります。

Example 例文[change | change source]

The example below shows why we do not insist on using only Basic English words. The full English sentence is from Winston Churchill:

Full English: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat."

Basic English [BE 850]: "... blood, hard work, drops from eyes, and body water."

  • "Blood" is a BE 850 word.
  • "Hard work" is good for those who understand English as their mother language. But a learner could understand the word "hard" as "solid" or "difficult to understand". Perhaps "much work" is better.
  • "Drops from eyes" sounds strange to people whose mother language is English. "Tears" is a BE 1500 word, and you can use it.
  • "Body water" also sounds strange to a person whose mother language is English. "Sweat" and "perspiration" both sound better. "Sweat" is a more common word, and you can use it by linking to the article on sweat. Often, for difficult words that are from Latin (such as "perspiration") there will also be a native (Old English or Anglo-Saxon) word such as "sweat" meaning the same thing that is much more common and basic, but this is not always the case.

Another way is to write the more difficult words, but explain what they mean in parentheses, "(" and ")", if they cannot be linked. For example, write "blood, toil (hard work), tears, and sweat".


完全な英語: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." (私には血、労苦、涙、そして汗しか与えるものがありません。)

ベーシック英語[BE 850]: "... blood, hard work, drops from eyes, and body water."

  • 「blood」はBE 850語です。
  • 「hard work」は、母国語として英語を理解している人に適しています。しかし、学習者は「難しい」という言葉を「堅実」または「理解するのが難しい」として理解するかもしれません。おそらく「much work」とするのがより良いです。
  • 「drops from eyes」は、母国語が英語の人には奇妙に聞こえます。「tears」はBE 1500語に含まれるので使用できます。
  • 「body water」も母国語が英語の人には奇妙に聞こえます。 「sweat」や「perspiration」あたりがが良さそうです。「sweat」という言葉が一般的です。これは sweat に関する記事にリンクすることで利用できます。多くの場合、ラテン語からの難しい単語(「perspiration」など)には、「sweat」などのネイティブ(古英語または Anglo-Saxon)な単語もあります。これは、より一般的で基本的な同じことを意味しますが、これが常に当てはまるとは限りません。

もう1つの方法は、より難しい単語で書くことですが、リンクできない場合は括弧 "(" and ")" でその意味を説明します。たとえば、"blood, toil (hard work), tears, and sweat" というように書きます。

Method 書き方[change | change source]

  1. Write your words normally, as you would in speaking to ordinary people.
  2. Look for your words in the word lists. Try to use the simplest word list:
    1. In Basic English BE 850 (pictures)
    2. In Basic English BE 1500.
    3. In VOA Special English Word Book.
    4. If a word is a name, idiomatic (the meaning of the words is not clear from the roots), or jargon (special words used by experts), then it should be described in more detail. Linking to an article about the word can also help.
      Stephen Hawking was a cosmologist—someone who studies the structure of the universe (stars and space).
    5. Not all words can have a good encyclopedia article written about them. To link to the dictionary definition of a word rather than an encyclopedic article, link to the Simple English Wiktionary using a link like [[wikt:this|]] (put your word in place of "this"). For a more complex definition, you may also link to the English Wiktionary like this: [[:en:wikt:this|]].
  3. Change to active voice. Example: change from "The bird was eaten by the cat." (passive voice) to "The cat ate the bird."
  4. Look for a Basic English verb in past, present or future only.
  5. For writing special to science or trade, do as asked by the process of AECMA Simplified English (see Other websites below for International Aerospace Maintenance Language).
  6. After finishing the article, check to have at least one link (to another article in Simple English Wikipedia) and one Interwiki link (to a version of Wikipedia in another language). The first is so the article is not a dead-end article, and the second is so that robots can fill in all the missing links to other language versions.

  1. 普通に人に話すのと同じように、あたたが使う普通の言葉で書きましょう。
  2. 単語リストで自分の使う単語があるか探します。最も簡単な単語リストを使用するようにしましょう:
    1. ベーシック・イングリッシュ BE 850(写真)
    2. ベーシック・イングリッシュ BE 1500
    3. VOA Special English の単語帳 (Word Book)
    4. 単語が名前、慣用句(語の意味が語根から明確でない)、または専門用語(専門家が使用する特別な単語)の場合は、さらに詳しく説明する必要があります。単語に関する記事へのリンクも役立ちます。
      Stephen Hawking was a cosmologist—someone who studies the structure of the universe (stars and space). (スティーブンホーキングは宇宙学者、つまり宇宙の構造(星と宇宙)を研究した人物でした。)
      すべての単語にそうした対応する百科事典の記事が書かれているわけではありません。百科事典の記事ではなく単語の辞書定義にリンクするには、[[wikt:this]] のようなリンクを使用して Simple English ウィクショナリーにリンクします(「this」の代わりに単語を入力します)。より複雑な定義については、[[:en:wikt:this]] のように English ウィクショナリーにリンクすることもできます。
  3. 能動態に変更します。例:「鳥は猫に食べられた」からの変更(受動態)「猫は鳥を食べた」へ
  4. Basic English の動詞を過去、現在、または未来のみで探します。
  5. 科学または商業に特化した記述については、AECMAの簡略化された英語のプロセスで求められているとおりに行います(International Aerospace Maintenance Languageについては、以下の他のWebサイトを参照してください)。
  6. 記事が完成したら、少なくとも1つのリンク(Simple English Wikipedia の別の記事へ)と1つの Interwikiリンク(別の言語のWikipedia のバージョンへ)があることを確認してください。 1つ目は、記事が孤立した記事とならないようにするためと、2つ目は、ロボットが他の言語バージョンへの不足しているリンクをすべて記入できるようにするためです。

Simple sentence structure 簡単な構文で[change | change source]

Simple sentences are easier to understand than complex ones. The simplest sentence structure in English is subject-verb-object-period, subject-verb-object-period and so on. Try to use the simplest sentences that make sense.


You should begin by writing simple sentences naturally when you add something to Simple Wikipedia. In your mind, do not phrase your sentence obscurely and then try to convert it to something simpler. Get in the habit of thinking in clear, direct English, without unnecessary words. But never be afraid to add a few words to make a sentence clearer. Simple English is not shorter English, although it frequently has shorter sentences.

Simple Wikipediaに何かを追加するときは、簡潔な文章を自然に書くことから始める必要があります。あなたの心の中で、あなたの文章を分かりにくくないようにして、それからそれをより簡単なものに変換しようとするのです。不必要な言葉を使わずに、明確で直接的な英語で考える習慣を身につけましょう。しかし、文章をより明確にするためには多少の単語を追加することを恐れないでください。Simple English は短い文とは限りませんが、実際短い文であるということがよくあります。

In many cases, simple English needs more words than ordinary English. In part this is because of "filler words" (extra words), where the words act as a mental pause, allowing the reader to catch up with your thought. When converting something from the English Wikipedia, it is not uncommon to find that your Simple English article takes up 25% to 50% more words than in standard English. In cases where the original English is poorly structured (usually in an attempt to seem smart to others), you may use much more space.

多くの場合、Simple English は通常の英語よりも多くの単語を必要とします。これは部分的には、「filler words」(余分な単語の追加)が原因で発生します。ここでは、その単語が話しの中のひと息として機能し、読者があなたの考えに追いつくことができます。通常の英語版ウィキペディアから何かを持込むとき、単純な英語の記事が標準の英語の場合よりも25%から50%多くの単語を占めることは珍しくありません。元の英語が上手に構成されていない場合(通常、他人にスマートに見えるようにする目的で)、さらに多くのスペースが要るかもしれません。

Remember that this guideline, like all Wikipedia rules, is meant to be used with common sense. It is more important to follow the spirit of simple sentence structure than reduce every possible sentence to its simplest form.


Guidelines ガイドライン[change | change source]

1. Always start by using simple sentences. For example:


  • John Smith walked his dog.
Subject 主語: John Smith
Verb 動詞: walked
Direct object 直接目的語: his dog

and そして

  • John Smith walked his dog to the supermarket.
Subject: John Smith
Verb: walked
Direct object: his dog
Indirect object (also prepositional phrase): to the supermarket 間接目的語を追加

but, if possible, not しかし可能なら避けるべき例文

  • John Smith walked to the supermarket with his dog.
Subject: John Smith
Verb: walked
Two indirect objects referring to the subject: to the supermarket and with his dog 間接目的(語)が2つあるため

2. Try to avoid compound sentences – those with embedded conjunctions (and, or, but, however, etc.) – when possible. Write this:

可能な場合は、複合文(結合語が埋め込まれたもの(and, or, but, however, など))を避けてください。 これを書いてください:

  • Good: John Smith walked his dog. Later, he was tired.

instead of これは以下の代用です

  • Less good: John Smith walked his dog but later he was tired.

But this is not a guideline in favor of short sentences. For example:


  • Good: John Smith walked his big, hairy dog, Bluto, to the supermarket on Main Street. Later, he was so tired that he collapsed onto his bed exhausted.

3. If you must use complex sentences – those with both independent clauses (which express a complete thought) and at least one subordinate clause (starting with a word like although, because, who, which, etc.) – try to have only one subordinate clause, like this:

複雑な文を用いる必要がある場合 - 完全な意味を表す独立した節と少なくとも1つの従属節(although、because、who、which などの単語で始まる)の両方を含むような場合 - この場合には従属節を1つだけにしてください。このような例です:

  • John Smith walked his dog to the supermarket because he was hungry.
Subject 主語: John Smith
Verb 動詞: walked
Direct object 直接目的語: his dog
Indirect object 間接目的語 (also prepositional phrase 前置詞句を含む): to the supermarket
Dependent clause 従属節: because he was hungry

For example 文例:

  • Bad: John Smith, who was very tired, walked his dog to the supermarket because he was hungry but he returned to his home still hungry and even more tired because the market was closed.
  • Clauses: who was very tired; because he was hungry; but he returned to his home; and even more tired and because the market was closed
  • Better: John Smith was very tired. Nevertheless, he walked his dog to the supermarket because he was hungry. But the market was closed. So he returned to his home still hungry and even more tired.

4. Try not to use compound-complex sentences, with multiple independent and dependent clauses.


  • Bad: John Smith walked his dog to the supermarket where he thought he might buy some apples, but Mary Jones, who considered herself superior to John (although many people believed that she didn't have any reason to feel that way), arrived first and spitefully bought the remaining three apples and so John, who was mad as hell at Mary by this time, had to go home hungry anyway.
  • Better: John Smith walked his dog to the supermarket, thinking he might buy some apples. However, Mary Jones arrived first, and bought the last three. She did this just for spite. She considered herself superior to John, though many thought she had no reason to feel that way. By this time, John was mad as hell at Mary, but he had to go home hungry anyway.

To sum up, the preferred sentence forms are 以上をまとめると次のような構文が適切です:

  1. Subject-Verb-DirectObject. 主語+動詞+直接目的語
  2. Subject-Verb-IndirectObject. 主語+動詞+間接目的語
  3. Subject-Verb-DirectObject-IndirectObject. 主語+動詞+直接目的語+間接目的語
  4. Subject-Verb-DirectObject-SubordinateClause. 主語+動詞+直接目的語+従属節
  5. Subject-Verb-DirectObject-IndirectObject-SubordinateClause. 主語+動詞+直接目的語+間接目的語+従属節

Rewriting existing sentences 既存の文章の書き換え[change | change source]

Here are some suggestions about how to change complex sentence structures into simpler ones. They can be applied over and over again to the same sentence until you feel the sentence is simple enough for this Wikipedia. Although listed in order of complexity, the ideas can be applied in any order.

この節では、複雑な構文をより単純な構文に変更する方法についていくつかの提案を示します。この Simple Wikipedia において該当文が十分に単純であると見なされるまでは、何度でも繰り返して適用することができます。 複雑さの順に列挙されていますが、あなたは任意の順序で適用できます。

Suggestions 提案[change | change source]

1. When you see and, or, but, for, so, yet and other conjunctions that link two independent thoughts in the same sentence:
    1. Remove the conjunction.
    2. Add a period at the end of the word that preceded the conjunction.
    3. Capitalize the first word that followed the conjunction.
    4. You may have to add new punctuation, usually in the second sentence.
Example: John Smith walked his dog but later he was tired becomes John Smith walked his dog. Later, he was tired.

 同じ1つの文中で2つの独立した主張を結びつける and、or、but、for、so、などの接続詞があれば、次のようにします。





2. When the subject is missing from the second thought, add the appropriate pronoun.

Example 例文: John Smith walked his dog and later petted Mary's cat becomes 変更後 John Smith walked his dog. Later, he petted Mary's cat.

3. You can always split a sentence at a semicolon.

Example 例文: John Smith liked to walk his dog; today, however, the dog was sick becomes 変更後 John Smith liked to walk his dog. Today, however, the dog was sick.

4a. When the conjunction expresses significant meaning (usually how or why the subject arrived at the current state), you might consider leaving the conjunction in place as the start of the second sentence.

 接続詞が重要な意味を表す場合(通常、how や why で述べている文の場合)、2番目の文の開始点として接続詞はそのままにしておく方が良いかもしれません。
Example 例文: John Smith walked his dog, but he didn't like it becomes 変更後 John Smith walked his dog. But he did not like it (here 'but' is the conjunction that now starts the next sentence).
4b. You might also want to change the order of the sentences, and change the conjunction if necessary.

Example 例文: John Smith walked his dog even though he was very tired becomes 変更後 John Smith was very tired. Even so, he walked his dog.

5. If you see more than one subordinate or dependent clause in a sentence, you can usually isolate all but one by:
    1. Changing the order of the sentences so that the most important information comes first.
    2. Starting all but the first sentence with the filler words: this or this is or this was due to and so forth.



2.最初の文を除くすべてを別の語に置き換えます。たとえば、this, this is, this was due to などです。
Example 例文: John Smith walked his dog, which made him angry because the dog always cut into on-coming traffic, which, in turn, made the drivers angry at John, not the dog. This becomes これを変更すると John Smith was angry while walking his dog. This was because the dog would always cut into on-coming traffic. This, in turn, made the drivers irritated at John, not the dog.

6. When you see a dependent clause occurring in the middle of a sentence (normally separated by commas or parentheses), you can usually detach it and make it a separate sentence, again with the appropriate pronoun.

Example 例文: John Smith, who was very tired, walked his dog... becomes 変更後 John Smith was very tired. He walked his dog....

A real-world example 実例[change | change source]

Before changing, these two paragraphs were in the Wikipedia article on the Sun:

変更前、以下の2つの段落は、Wikipediaの記事の Sun という項目にありました。

Earth's fate is still a bit of a mystery. Previous calculations show that, due to the solar wind (which drops 30% of the sun's mass), Earth could escape to a higher orbit. But a newer study shows that, due to the tidal forces, Earth would possibly vanish itself while the sun continues to get bigger, although the sun will lose mass.
Anyway, Earth's ocean and air would long have worn out, even if the sun is still in its main sequence stage. After the Sun reaches a point where it can no longer get bigger, the Sun will literally explode, but not like a supernova, but rather, it will expand rapidly and lose its layers, forming a planetary nebula. Eventually the sun will shrink into a white dwarf, and over several hundred billion, even trillion years (100,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000,000 years), fade to a black dwarf

After changing, these paragraphs looked like this:


Earth's fate is still a bit of a mystery. In the long term, the Earth's future depends on the Sun, and the Sun is going to be fairly stable for the next 5 billion years.[1][2] Calculations suggest that the Earth might move to a wider orbit. This is because about 30% of the Sun's mass will blow away in the solar wind. However, in the very long term the Earth will probably be destroyed as the Sun increases in size. Stars like the Sun become red giants at a later stage.[3] The Sun will expand beyond orbits of Mercury, Venus, and probably Earth. In any event, the Earth's ocean and air would have vanished before the Sun gets to that stage.
After the Sun reaches a point where it can no longer get bigger, it will lose its layers and form a planetary nebula. Eventually, the Sun will shrink into a white dwarf. Then, over several hundred billion or even a trillion years, the Sun would fade into a black dwarf.

These changes were not just a matter of language. It did need some subject-matter understanding. The latest version has changes in the language, and better science, with some sources.


What not to do してはいけないこと[change | change source]

Do not...

  • use poor grammar or incorrect spelling.
  • use bad English: This is Simple English, not Bad English.
  • use contractions (such as I've, can't, hasn't). Instead, do use long forms as this allows learners to recognize familiar grammatical patterns.
  • use complex sentences.
  • use idioms (one or more words that together mean something other than what they say).
  • use words you are not sure about without using a dictionary.
  • write articles so short that they offer no useful information.
  • write in the second person. Good encyclopedia articles are never addressed to "you". Do not make statements about "you".
  • put links in titles (or other elements that structure the article). Try to keep the navigation and the structure of an article separate.
  • just copy a whole article from the normal English Wikipedia and leave it like that without simplifying it. If you do not simplify it, it will be difficult to understand, and is likely to be immediately deleted. See Help:Translate English into Simple English


  • 良くない文法、あるいは不正確なつづりを用いる。
  • 間違った英語を使う。(ここでは悪い英語ではなく、簡潔な英語を使います。)
  • 短縮形を使用する( I've, can't, hasn't などの使用)。代わりに長い形式を使用してください。これによって、学習者はなじみの文法の用例を認識できるようになります。
  • 複雑な文章を使用を使う。
  • イディオムを使用する(1つ以上の単語が一緒になって、その単語が示すこと以外の何かを意味する)。
  • 辞書を使わずに、自分でもよく分からない単語を使う。
  • 記事を切り詰め過ぎることで、有益な情報が提供されないようにする。
  • 二人称で記述する。優れた百科事典の記事は「二人称」で記述されることは決してありません。 「二人称」で言及しないでください。
  • 記事名(または記事を構成する他の要素)にリンクを配置する。案内と記事の構造は分離するようにしてください。
  • 通常の英語版ウィキペディアから記事全体をコピーし、簡素化せずにそのままにしておく。簡素化しないと分かりづらいので、すぐに削除される可能性があります。ヘルプ:英語をシンプルな英語に翻訳するを見てください。

Related pages 関連記事[change | change source]

References 注釈[change | change source]

  1. The Sun's evolution. [1]
  2. Goldsmith D. & Owen T. 2001. The search for life in the universe. University Science Books, p. 96. ISBN 978-1-891389-16-0
  3. Schröder K.-P. & Smith R.C. 2008. Distant future of the Sun and Earth revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 386 (1): 155–163. [2]

Other websites 外部リンク[change | change source]