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Attack on Mohamed Amra's prison transport

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The attack on Mohamed Amra's prisoner transport was an attack in France (2024) which killed two prison officers.

More than 400 police officers are part of a manhunt for the attackers and the prisoner that was taken away (during the attack).

The interior minister said that [anything or] all resources will be used to find the criminals.

Interpol issued a red against Mohamed Amra.

Attack[change | change source]

A prisoner transport was attacked (May 14, 2024) on a toll road outside Rouen, France. Two prison officers were killed and prisoner Mohamed Amra was taken away by the attackers.[1] The day after the attack, Interpol issued a red [2] against Mohamed Amra.[3]

Sources[change | change source]

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-69012563. Retrieved 2024-05-15
  2. noticehttps://www.interpol.int/fr/Notre-action/Notices/Notices-rouges/Voir-les-notices-rouges#2024-33261. Retrieved 2024-05-30
  3. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/faits-divers/attaque-d-un-fourgon-penitentiaire-interpol-diffuse-une-notice-rouge-a-l-encontre-de-mohamed-amra_6545807.html. Retrieved 2024-05-30